Minutes of Meeting
March 10, 2009

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm with eight (8) members present.

Secretary’s report was read. Peter Hill made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Denny Gove. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.

-As of last board meeting, groomers groomed 99,000 miles.
-325 riders for the Border-to-Border Ride; earned $75,000 for Cystricfibrous.
–Northfield Amtrack: she hit Amtrack’s second car, blew whistle, 59 mph.
–Car hit on Belt Line: Cop going too fast.
–Cabot: rolled snowmobile on bank.
–Tour group in Waterbury: accident, elderly man hit tree.
-September 12, 2009 Annual Meeting in Barre. Luncheon at noon, awards, Hilltop. BOR for equipment and auditorium for meeting.
-Henry Murray and Sandy Woodbeck did grooming cost survey.

-Grooming good until 13th week.
-Staked Fairmont Field more.
-Straighten back arm of drag and replaced pin.
-Removed Piston Bulley from Parker’s lawn.

Next month: Directors need a slate of officers.

Henry Murray made motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Linda Hall. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.