Minutes of Meeting
April 14, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm with eight (8) members present.
Secretary’s report was read. Pat McKinstry made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Denny Gove. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
VAST County report:
-Doug Wilson did a slide show of Asgas Bay. Interesting.
-Survey: unhappy only 1/3 came back. Question: no grooming check (last check or start up check).
-Hilltop catering Annual Meeting, September 12, 2009, Luncheon at Noon. Family affair. Question: video games. Maybe door prizes.
-Send invitations to dealer to bring for sale. Set up tables.
Trailmaster report:
-All groomers papers to VAST.
-Piston Bulley in shed.
-All gates and fences closed.
-Few stakes to get.
-Some runners on bridge needs to be replaced.
-Used 667 gallons of gas, groomed 1185 miles.
-May 12, 2009 Groomer seminar.
Plainfield Bailey Bridge has one more land owner, 5 acres between river and road by Allen Sole. Sandy Woodbeck talked to VAST about buying it, $10,000.00.
Money items for summer:
-Landowner – $15 gift certificate at Wayside.
-Schoolhouse – $50 for use.
-Piston Bulley, money for Roger Hall to do trail work.
-Business’ selling membership – Parkers and Lagures, Wayside certificate.
Henry Murray made motion to include above items in a single vote. Motion seconded by Roger Hall. Motion carried.
Election of Officers:
President – Sandy Woodbeck
Vice-President – Denny Gove
Secretary – Linda Hall
Treasurer – Henry Murray
Trail Master – Roger Hall
Web Master – Derek Price
Director – Peter Hill
Peter Hill made motion to nominate the above slate of officers. Motion seconded by Pat McKinstry. Motion carried.
Henry Murray made motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Angela Woodbeck. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
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