Minutes of Meeting
December 15, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm with twelve (12) members present.
Secretary’s report was read. Peter Hill made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Roger Hall. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
VAST County report:
-Less signs better. Gate ahead, dip, bump, crooked arrow, left and right arrows, and keep right are signs being removed.
-Improvement on Cable Bridge in Waterbury if you use it. Next summer a new deck will be put on.
-County bought Sheriff’s Department two (2) new sled and a trailer.
-New discound books from VAST. What to do with them. Discussion. Question: Cost of mailing them. Derek Pryce made a motion to mail them out to landowners. Roger Hall seconded motion. Motion carried.
Trailmaster report:
-Trails all marked.
-Two (2) new sign posts put up.
-Open all gates tomorrow.
-Piston Bulley moved to Bill Parker’s lawn. Half barrel of fuel.
-Trouble wtih beavers at Trevor Lewis’s.
-Piston Bulley now belongs to the club.
-Parking lot (RR bed on Rt.14) plowing. We are eligible to hire (pay) someone to plow through VAST at $50 an hour. Check with Bradley Nutbrown to see if he is interested.
-Things have been quiet.
-Changes have been made to the online application.
-Discussion on TMA online.
Henry Murray made motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Linda Hall. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
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