East Montpelier Gully Jumpers
Minutes of Meeting
February 10, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm with 10 members present.
Secretary’s report was read. Roger Hall made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Denny Gove. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
-Border-to-Border ride resolved town that didn’t want them. Took place February 7, 2009. Used town roads to bypass concerned landowners.
-New law enforcement – Southern county – if not on own side, they will issue a ticket. Also for cutting corners or not in control.
-Less Early Bird TMA but more regular ones. Why?
-In Legislature – motor vehicle processing registration but not getting paid. Question: Increase $5 for motor vehicle and State Police $5 increase. If they do that, VAST won’t need to pay them for law enforcement.
-Construction projects before June 30, but the sooner the better.
-Grooming survey, 2006-2007, 2007-2008. Sandy Woodbeck, Henry Murray and Roger Hall will meet to fill out report.
-Montpelier Trail – built trail on town property without permission. Montpelier Club had verbal permission from East Montpelier Trails and Montpelier Select Board unhappy. Walking path back up to use. VAST has money set aside and CCV applied for a grant. Nothing solved. Still on going. Wait until snow melts.
-Peter Hill brought drag to Nutbrown – fixed and returned.
-Replaced light bulbs.
-Replaced fan belt. Light donated by Bond Auto.
-Replaced bearing.
-Complaints in Fairmont Farm, upper field. Will add more signs to resolve problem.
-Groomed every week.
Website – Quiet.
New Business:
-Keep track of zoning regulations. Question: exemption for us and hiking trails not needing some permits. Could affect any new trail work.
-Talked to Bill Gray – Calais Club, Next year re-talk to landowner or go back to Wheeler Road for trail.
Henry Murray made motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Angela Woodbeck. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
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