East Montpelier Gully Jumpers
Minutes of Meeting
November 11, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm with twelve (12) members present.
Secretary’s report was read. Terry Conti made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Jeff Parker. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was read. Jeff Parker made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Sandy Conti. Motion carried.
County News:
- $3 County Dues paid out $88,000 for such things as ads on radio, bought sled and trailer for Sheriff and grants for clubs to help maintain trails.
- There is an ongoing problem with rubber tracks on groomers, but it is not a problem with metal tracks.
- Windsor County traded groomer. Dealer quoted trade-in value price unseen. Changed when seen by $2,000. VAST approved grant and then County wanted VAST to make up the $2,000. VAST said no.
- Ongoing information on trails crossing bodies of water stems from family of 5 that went through Lake Dunmore.
- Roger Hall made motion to accept report. Motion seconded by Derek Pryce. Motion carried.
Trail report:
- Fred Strong bridge completed. Asked if the Club would buy a culvert and one (1) hour of Kevin Hudson’s time to install it at Fred Strong.
- Piston Bully all set.
Web site:
Derek Pryce had updated the site.
Henry Murray made motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Linda Hall. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
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