East Montpelier Gully Jumpers
Minutes of Meeting
December 16, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm with ten (12) members present.
Secretary’s report was read. Derek Pryce made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Jeff Parker. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was read. Roger Hall made motion to accept. Motion seconded by Jeff Parker. Motion carried.
County News:
- Discussion of trail grooming between Montpelier, Calais and Worcester. It was recommended that the three clubs get together and resolve the matter.
- Calais now has two groomers – the Piston Bully and a Tucker.
Trail report:
- Gates were opened on Monday.
- With Peter Hill’s help, the project on Snow Hill is done.
- Kevin Hudson assisted in the culvert project at Strong’s place – We are square with Kevin.
- The bridge behind Dr. Wilson’s will not be repaired, we will go around. We have permission from Bonnie Hall to move the trail down in the field across from KC Performance.
- About 1/2 the trails have been groomed
- We have about 1/3 of our fuel remaining
General News:
- Derek Pryce updated the members on the status of the Quaker Hill portion of the trail. Still trying to obtain landowners permission to access Dudley’s store. Would like the trail to break off at Ibey’s, go behind Curtis’s, through Worth’s to McKnight Rd, across Quaker Hill on to Couture’s and then onto Biron’s and down to the store. Signs for “Sensitive Area” may be in order.
- Sandi Conti reported that he had worked on the railroad bed off VT Rte 14 South to the power line, clearing downed tree branches.
- On Coburn Road, the pickup is gone, so the trail is clear.
- A new sign post is needed for Dudley’s – food, gas, dead-end.
- Zimmerman’s asked that we be careful of her fence, as she had not pulled up as much as usual. She also requested signs for “no idling”, and “no speeding”.
- Mike Brown will assist in signing the fields that we need to stay off of crops.
- The VAST magazine will be on the VAST website.
- Sandi Conti will drop off Gully Jumper membership applications at Laquerre’s
- A suggestion was made that the Gully Jumpers members ride-in be scheduled and posted to the website. This would be great involvement of the members, and an opportunity to participate in the VAST photo contest.
Sandi Conti made motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Jeff Parker. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
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