Minutes of Meeting
January 14, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm with eleven (9) members present.
Secretary’s report was read, motion to accept. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
–Alexis Nelson the executive director of VAST has put in her resignation from her position. The job is open and VAST will be advertising it nationally.
-Barre Thunder Chickens Winterfest is happening February 22nd.
-Discussion of dog(s) on trails. A landowners dog was attacked by another dog. This was not the first time. We can provide signs for the landowner to put up.
Discussion of a few (2) landowner changes.
VAST trail liability handbooks are available for anyone who would like one.
Discussion of x-country skiers on the trail and what type of membership they could have, or what donation they can make, if they choose. We do have a form on the site for that purpose.
VAST is studying online membership renewals.
Motion to adjourn. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
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